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Join us online Sunday at 10:30am 

Join us online this Sunday at 10:30am

Revive Church will not meet in our physical location at this time.

We will be meeting live online at 10:30am Sunday mornings.

Staying Informed

  • Follow Revive Church and Pastor Shannon on Facebook and Instagram

  • Subscribe to our YouTube Channel

  • Most small groups will continue as planned.  Check with your small group leader for any changes in schedule or postponement.

  • Official info on COVID-19 can be found here at the Center For Disease Control


Prayer at Revive Church

Noon Prayer

Join us online at 12pm everyday this week on Facebook and Instagram


here's what we are doing as a church staff

  1. Praying:  We are seeking God everyday for His divine guidance.  God is STILL and will always be in control!  The coronavirus has not changed His plan.  

  2. Staying Informed:  From GOOD SOURCES, not your friend who sent you a meme, who heard the worst news ever and is all too happy to share it with whoever will listen.  We are staying up-to-date on how COVID-19 is affecting our city, state, country, and world. Through credible sources, like the CDC, we are able to stay informed on how best to prevent the spread of this virus and using best practices at Revive Church

  3. Providing Resources:  The church's voice has never been needed more than now.  We are dedicated to the continued "fight" for the voice of the church.  With our new worship experiences placed in our online ministry hub designed specifically with you in mind durning the COVID-19 developments, we aim to be a comfort in the middle of chaos to strengthen your resolve and to eliminate unnecessary worry.  Social distancing doesn't mean social isolation.  We will not leave you untouched and uncared or.  The best way for us to continue to stay connected is to follow our Facebook Page, subscribe to our YouTube channel, and or follow Pastor Shannon on Instagram.  All of these are FREE resources for you to get what you need, stay connected to God, and stay connected to our wonderful church family.

here's what you can do

  1. Pray:  Pray for our community and those directly affected by COVID-19. Pray for the health care workers who are treating the sick and those in leadership making difficult decisions. Pray that God would protect our community from further spread of the virus. 

  2. Be generous:  While our world is anxiously protecting themselves, let’s live like Jesus and be generous during this time. Buy someone else’s groceries, give a neighbor some toilet paper, give sacrificially. We can still be generous during this time because we know who is our provider, Our God.

  3. Practice excellent personal hygiene:  Wash your hands frequently, stay home if you are sick, cover your coughs or sneezes with a tissue, and sanitize all "high touch" surfaces in your home (such as door knobs and light switches) on a daily basis.

why are we doing all this?

Our president has the world's best advisors at his fingertips, and to their best assessment, this is what is best for the American people to contain this thing, and we want to do our part to help our country.  In scripture, the people didn't understand what the government was doing, or why they should have to comply.  But when asked, JESUS Himself said, "yes, do what the government is asking."  And in another verse, it clearly tells us to obey the laws of the land.  And even when Peter was attacking the mob that came to unjustly arrest Jesus, Jesus told him to stand down.  We are Americans, and we must help protect her citizens, and way of life the best we can.  


To prevent the spread of this virus, we are working around the clock to bring you a very unique, and powerful church experience this Sunday.  At our regular service time (Sunday 10:30am), please click here and participate in our service from the comfort of your own home. We are asking all of our church members to please abstain from coming into the church building at any time until further notice.  We are keeping it clean and sterilized for your protection for when we do get to return to our regular events.  We will not be holding any church events (dance practices, youth group, choir, Revive Recovery, etc) or in-person Sunday services for the next 2 weeks.  We are planning to resume regular services in the building on Sunday April 5th.

“Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him. For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease.”


Psalms 91:1-3 NLT

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