From Pastor Shannon: We have the finest group of leaders and volunteers one could ever hope for. Let me tell you a little about them:

Amanda is highly regarded for her caring spirit and gracious heart. She is dedicated to leading the charge of deeply discipled women standing for strength, love, and loyalty. She heads up our children's church Revive Kids Program leading little ones to Jesus every week, and is also our VBS director. She dreams of a children's after school tutoring program that is committed to pick up where public schools leave off by teaching kids the power of walking with Jesus and enhancing their lives.

John and Brittany are our Worship Pastors. You couldn't meet 2 more incredible human beings. They also own a unique home decor business called Hartland Home.

God joined us with this beautiful couple and they quickly became a huge part of Revive Church. They wear many hats and their Christian Discipleship runs deep. They are our Student Ministries Pastors, and have a special gifting for reaching today's youth!

Ray excels as a prayer warrior, overseer, and uplifter! Exudes excellence in Christian Leader and love for God's people! He leads our Altar Team, our Discipleship Team, and oversees our Small Groups!

Senior Elders and Finance Board. These 2 are the back bone of the church. Terry is loved everywhere he goes. He is full of joy and always has a smile. His skills in business now serve His Father’s business, hallelujah! Every church has a person who just takes care of anything and everything. Diann is a dynamic and beloved leader of Revive Church! I'm honored to be their pastor, and it excites me to be their kid.

Shay is our head teacher. I've never known anyone who studies The Word like this. She devotes her days to breaking down scripture and finding true meaning through cultural analysis and cross referencing the most reliable sources available. She is author of The Ketubbah, a an enlightening look at God’s covenant to man through the old Jewish marriage custom.

Jesse heads up our onscreen media team. Whatever curve balls the Lord throws at him, he knocks em outta the park! He's one of those guys that loves life and doesn't cut corners. Sarah is one of our lead female vocalist, piano player, and a vital part of our ministry. Everyone is better if she's in the room.

Patrick is our Mr. Everything! Not only does he head up our tech crew, he also builds anything you can dream, and does everything he does with a spirit of excellence!

Kayla is our prayer chain coordinator. Anytime someone has an urgent prayer request, they contact Kayla and she sends the prayers across all our prayer warriors so our whole church can corporately pray. She has a beautiful family, puts God first, and loves serving others.