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Pastor Shannon started off by showing inspiring scenes and speeches from "Rocky."


There are things in life worth fighting for.  Not fighting WITH, but fighting the good fight of faith FOR!  


Jacob wrestled with God and would not let go until God gave him his blessing!  When's the last time you plead with God and refused to let go of Him?!  An all out battle for your blessing!  For your Faith!  For your VICTORY!



pastor shannon's notes



Rocky Clip


FIGHT with direction


Jet playing t-ball




Football walk throughs


some of y’all in your Christian life are on a walk through….it’s just whatever, come to church…. serve…..give……devil got you beat down, whatever……


that’s not what jesus died for.   He died so you would fight….


the devil aint walking through


the devil is fighting all the time, day and night

   part of his fight is to get you to walk


Come to church every once in a while, put 2 dollars in the box one a month, I’m good.  The devil is banking on that!  He loves that type of Christian!



He is banking on you being a “no-threat” Christian who just takes up space in church. 


Make no mistake....The devil's goal is to destroy you!   He is always fighting to destroy your life, relationships, health, vision, goals, and hope and he never backs off or takes time to relax. If you don’t realize the battle that’s going on, you are highly deceived. You need to be prepared to fight!

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12


Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. 1 Timothy 6:12

The Fight: Prayerfully plead for God’s blessing for your life.
Bible Character: Jacob


Do u plead?!!!  For anything spiritual. Oh u might plead for a girl...



You need to hold on to God and hunger and thirst for what He has for your life.

Today’s Scripture is from Genesis 32, where we find Jacob fighting and pleading with God for His blessing. Do you plead for anything in the spiritual realm? You need to hold on to God and hunger and thirst for what He has for your life.

Put aside lukewarm living and mediocrity. When you fight for who God wants you to be, your life will be the most exciting it can be!

In Genesis 32, Jacob has stolen his brother’s birthright and his father’s blessing. Esau has vowed to kill Jacob, and as Jacob receives word that his brother is coming with his army to find him, Jacob sends his family and animals ahead of him, along with gifts to appease Esau. Once Jacob is alone, Jesus (“The Man”, who is eternal and appears in the Old Testament in several Scriptural passages) comes and wrestles with Jacob. This is a metaphor of prayer—Jacob wrestling for God’s blessing.

Then Jacob was left alone; and a Man wrestled with him until the breaking of day. Now when He saw that He did not prevail against him, He touched the socket of his hip; and the socket of Jacob’s hip was out of joint as He wrestled with him. And He said, “Let Me go, for the day breaks.” But he said, “I will not let You go unless You bless me!” So He said to him, “What is your name?” He said, “Jacob.” And He said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed.” Then Jacob asked, saying, “Tell me Your name, I pray.” And He said, “Why is it that you ask about My name?” And He blessed him there.Genesis 32:24-29





Press On: Prayerfully reach for God’s dream for your life.



What is your God-given name? In Biblical times, a person’s name was his character.  Jacob’s original name meant “deceiver,” but now he is no longer a deceiver. After wrestling with the Lord, his name and character is changed to Israel, “a man who prevailed with God.”


What is your name?  What is your God given purpose?  The devil doesn't want u to know. He wants u to just live. He wants u to think that u evolved!  You're not just here by happen chance!





*******You might have once been called a loser.  You might have once been called a quitter.  Maybe before you were known as a thief, or a cheater, or a man or woman with a lustful heart………but FIGHT!  FIGHT!  Fight in the Heavenlies!  You will no longer be called deceiver God said……you will be called ISRAEL!  






God was calling us out of our comfort…..telling us to move…..transitioning……I wrestled with God for several years on this.  But now it’s obvious who I’m supposed to be.


What is your God-given purpose?

Satan doesn't want you to know; he wants you to just live and miss out on the amazing plans God has for you. That’s why you’ll need to fight to know what your God-given purpose is and then fight to enjoy it. If you don’t know your purpose and are not living it, you won’t find it by accident and you won’t be fulfilled.


Passion: Pray with passion to destroy the idol of rejection.


Before you even wake up



In addition to fighting to know your purpose in the Lord, you need to fight to reject the lies of the enemy. Whether you realize it or not, you are bombarded with bad thoughts, discouragement, and labels that are not from God. Sometimes these lies are turned into idols that you believe as your identity. But you have to fight against this! Don’t live defeated, eating the crumbs that the world gives you. Don’t settle for mediocrity. Fight and don’t let go!

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds… 2 Corinthians 10:4

Lies that speak against the knowledge of God in your life need to be taken captive and replaced with what is true.  


Knowledge of Christ in your life...anything speaking against that, u must take captive


It's those little voices..u don't need to go to church, u don't need to read....u don't prayer, there's no miracles gonna happen, gods not gonna use u, tithing don't matter, I don't need to be baptized, I'm good


The devil wants u to just settle

   Settle for dating...sleeping around, not getting married, how's that working out for u?


You gotta believe different!


Instead, express that you want God’s purpose, and fruit of the Spirit. 


HOW do you do that…….PRAY!

You have to make a DECISION to read your Bible, pray, and be who God called you to be. 


REM paralysis....decision not to look

   Billy Graham said....


It's a decision to not look, decision to not go into ur computer at night. Decision not to go have "coffee" w that person or text that person. 


It's also a decision to know what all god has for u and to say, I don't want to do all that work, mediocre is ok w me. I'll just exist


That's the big deception of the devil


Reading in the dark






Persistence: Draw near to God in prayer, in good and bad times.

Never let go!

And He said, “Let Me go, for the day breaks.” But he said, “I will not let You go unless You bless me!”  Genesis 32:26

If you want all God has for your life, don’t settle for what you have now.  But if you want all the purpose and plans that God has for you, you have to come and get it, do everything you can, and lay your life down for it!


I’m not saying fight for “things.”   I want this job, I want this career, this girl, this truck

God is way more important than the earthly things that we can pursue.  We have to show persistence in our relationship with God.


You can just pray, God bless me, and go on about your business. Can't just drop a dollar in to God's kingdom go on about your business




Fight against the temptations in your life, fight against the lies in your head.  And tell God I ain't letting go and missing my Blessing. 


There needs to be a fight happening in this room right now.


I get this prayer...


Ain't nothing wrong with a soft prayer. But sometimes a soft prayer is a board prayer.  I can't speak for God, but I bet sometimes God uses board with some of our prayers.


God please bless this food. There ain't nothing wrong with that food




God looks at some of your lives and it's boring. It's a nice little Christian walk. But he did die for that.

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