welcome to
mission statement
save | equip | send
"If you want to know what it's like to walk on water,
you have to step out of the boat."
The heart of our church is to carry out the great commission set forth in Matthew 28. In short, to Revive broken people and a broken world. To get people SAVED, REVIVED, and CONNECTED to the Lord, EQUIP them in The Word and in their own unique gifts from God, and to SEND them out to share and serve the expansion of His kingdom.
Our desire is to see people LIVING the Gospel and SHARING the Good News of Jesus, not just sitting in a building or classroom "playing church." Jesus wants us to follow Him and become fishers of men (Matthew 4:19), bringing light to a dark world.
service times: sundays 10:30 am | wednesdays 6:30pm
Awesome Music! Fun, Engaging, Power-Packed Messages! Your Kids Will Have a Blast at our All-Aboard Kids classes and we have a phenomenal Youth Group!

"Everyone's welcome
Because nobody's perfect
And anything is possible!"

We're Glad You're Here
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Please fill out this contact info so we can welcome you and so that you can stay up to date with all God is doing through Revive Church!